Customer Testimonials

We work diligently with the owners to ensure your vacation rental homes have all the amenities necessary to make your stay as comfortable as possible. Take a few minutes to read our guest comments and see what MSR Select Vacation Rentals is all about. After you've stayed with us, please locate your vacation rental on this page and post your comment.

Hollywood Hills - Hollywood, Fl.

South Florida Area - Miami/Hollywood/Fort Lauderdale

Miami Seasonal Rental, LLC. DBA
MSR Select Vacation Rentals

2413 Main St #171 Miramar, FL 33025
Hours of Operation (EST)
Monday - Friday 8am - 7pm
Saturday 8am - 5pm
Sunday 12pm - 4pm
US Toll Free 1-888-960-3339
Local/International 1-954-960-7998
Facsimile 1-954-981-5471

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is Not Required

Copyright 2006-2024 Miami Seasonal Rental, LLC. DBA MSR Select Vacation Rentals - All Rights Reserved.